Friends of Honley Library are Committed to Securing the Future of Honley Library

Since December 2022, when ownership of the Honley Library building was transferred from Kirklees Council, all the costs of running and managing the building have been met by the Friends of Honley Library, with the generous support of Holme Valley Parish Council.

Considerable progress has been made but now, more than ever, we need your support to help us continue to improve and develop the library building as an attractive and welcoming community space.

By now you’ll be aware of the proposals by Kirklees Council for budget savings within the library service, it’s been hard to miss the headlines! The primary aim of FoHL has always been to ensure that the library remains available to the people of Honley by providing volunteer support to Kirklees Library Services. The suggestion that we may eventually be expected to become a Community Managed Library, i.e. run solely by volunteers without any paid staff, has been disappointing.

Discussions between Kirklees Library Service and the FoHL Management Committee and Trustees are already underway. We know we have support from the Honley community, but you can help by sharing your views with your local councillors.

Rest assured Friends of Honley Library remain as committed as ever to ensuring that this valuable community asset remains in Honley and we will do everything we can to continue to enhance and maintain Honley Library for the community’s benefit.

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